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Mental Retardation

What is Mental Retardation?
Intellectual disability, once called mental retardation, is characterized by below-average intelligence or mental ability and a lack of skills necessary for day-to-day living. People with intellectual disabilities can and do learn new skills, but they learn them more slowly. There are varying degrees of intellectual disability, from mild to profound. Mental retardation is a condition diagnosed before age 18, usually in infancy. When onset occurs at age 18 or after, it is called dementia, which can coexist with a MR diagnosis. Intelligence level as determined by individual standard assessment is below 70, and the ability to adapt to the demands of normal life is impaired. This is important because it distinguishes a diagnosis of MR from individuals with low IQ scores who are able to adapt to the demands of everyday life.
Symptoms of Mental Retardation
Rolling over, sitting up, crawling, or walking late
Difficulty remembering things
Behaviour problems such as explosive tantrums
Children with severe or profound intellectual disabilities may also experience other health issues, such as seizures, mental disorders, motor handicaps, vision or hearing problems
Talking late or having trouble with talking
Inability to connect actions with consequences
Difficulty with problem-solving or logical thinking
Slow to master things like potty training, dressing, and feeding himself or herself
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Causes of Mental Retardation
Genetical - Mongolism.
Obstetrical birth injuries of head - poor APGAR score at birth.
Some infections of brain - tubercular meningitis, viral (rubella), protozoal (toxoplasma) etc.
Nutritional - Iodine deficiency / poor gestational nutrition.
Head injuries. Poor social environment
Severe dehydration - High grade fever in childhood can cause irreversible injuries.
Homeopathic Treatment of Metnal Retardation
Homeopathy offers a definite advantage of uniform success rate, graded progressive response with time frame, their accuracy & positivity is highest. Mostly the improvement starts within 1 to 2 months and can achieve the highest recoverable mental potential within 1 year of treatment. This medicine repairs glial damage and promotes dendritic connections which uplifts neuronal set ups to higher level of functioning. Medicines are easy to take and have no side effects.
Steps to help your intellectually disabled child include:
Learn everything you can about intellectual disabilities. The more you know the better advocate you can be for your child
Encourage your child’s independence. Let your child try new things and encourage your child to do things by him or herself. Provide guidance when it’s needed and give positive feedback when your child does something well or masters something new.
Get your child involved in group activities. Taking an art class or participating in Scouts will help your child build social skills.
Stay involved. By keeping in touch with your child’s teachers, you’ll be able to follow his or her progress and reinforce what your child is learning at school through practice at home.
Get to know other parents of intellectually disabled children. They can be a great source of advice and emotional support.