Scope of Homeopathy

Scope of Homeopathy

Homeopathy has vast scope to cure the medical illnesses of mankind. Homeopathy does not consider individual diseases to be treated and it works on restoring the complete health of the sick person. But for the general understanding, Homeopaths use the word diseases for easy comprehension to the public. The diseases are normally classified as acute diseases, Sub-acute diseases and chronic diseases. Homeopathy has medicines to treat all these types of diseases. Some of the known acute diseases which homeopathy has best treatment are; Viral fevers, Typhoid, Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya, Gastroenteritis, Amoebiasis, Headaches, Allergy conditions, Sinusitis, Rhinitis, Urinary tract Infections, etc., among others.
On the other hand, Homeopathy is made famous by the patients who have benefitted from this science for chronic diseases. Almost all the chronic diseases has cure through homeopathic medicines It is a common misconception that homeopathy can only treat chronic diseases and a few acute diseases, but the fact is it that it has a much wider scope and has shown amazing results in the following cases as well.

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Incurable cases:

Many diseases like psoriasis, vitiligo etc. which have been labelled incurable by other system of medicine have been wonderfully treated by Homeopathy.

Surgical cases :

like BHP (benign hypertrophy of prostate, warts, corns, piles, renal stones, gall stones, uterine fibroids, fibroadenoma in breast). Other system of medicine provides only surgical treatment for these cases but homeopathy can treat them solely by medicines.

Palliative role:

Homeopathic medicines can be used for preventing (prophylactic) various diseases like whooping cough, measles, diphtheria, chicken pox, scarlet fever, rabies etc. It also acts as a great prophylactic during epidemics. Depending upon symptoms present in a group of people (living in the epidemic area), the homeopathic doctor selects a single medicine for all the people living in that area. This medicine is called as Genus Epidemicus.

Past history:

Homeopathic medicines can wonderfully remove the after effects of past illness for example a patient comes to the doctor and complains that he has been unwell since he had typhoid for years back. In such a case a dose of Typhoidinum will make the patient feel better.